Implementation for URI Template

I'm trying to implement URI Template in .NET (VB.NET to be exact).  Can
anyone provide any guidance on algorithm and  object class structure,
particularly methods (sample code in any language would be nice too, or URLs
to helpful resources)?  

Thanks in advance.  

-Mike Schinkel

P.S. For my skill level, in my past I programmed a lot on ASP (VBScript) and
SQL Server, and prior to the a lot in Clipper (a dBase compiler) although
I've studied lots of languages and taught programming for almost a decade.
But I'm rusty right now and am studying VB.NET, PHP, Python, and Ruby at the
moment. Lastly, though I've recently immersed myself in Internet standards
docs, I've never written any code to do encoding/decoding based on the

Received on Tuesday, 26 December 2006 19:44:42 UTC