RFC 2822 email addresses in tag URIs

Dear URI community,

I've been overloaded and only just managed to return to the problem of 
updating the tag URI specification to accommodate RFC 2822, the most 
recent standard for email addresses. I had some great input from Etan 
Wexler and Frank Ellerman a while back. Following that, I'm inclined to 
go for Frank's simpler approach: take a subset of RFC 2822 email 
addresses that users could be expected to read & manipulate by hand and 
brain (following the 'tag' philosophy), and simply %-encode certain of 
their characters.

Principle 1: only allow relatively simple, human-legible/tractable email 
address to be embedded in tags. So only allow printing characters (%20 - 
%7E). NB only whitespace character is " " (which has to be quoted in 
RFC2822-land). No folding, no control characters.

Principle 2: disallow obsolete constructs.

Principle 3: disallow comments -- no value in a tag but lots of 
potential for confusion.

In addition, the following characters should not appear literally as 
part of an email address in a tag; they must be %-encoded (ONCE) from 
the original email address:

       gen-delims  = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"

       sub-delims-used-in-tag-syntax  = ","

       percent = "%"

       non-uri-characters = "<", ">", "^", "`", "{", "|", "}"

The above gives me the following syntax, bsed on similar terms in RFC 2822:

emailAddress      = tag-local-part "@" DNSname
tag-local-part    = tag-dot-atom-text / tag-no-fold-quote
tag-dot-atom-text = 1*tag-atext *("." 1*tag-atext)
tag-atext         = ALPHA / DIGIT  /
                      "!"   / "%23" /
                      "$"   / "%25" /
                      "&"   / "'"   /
                      "*"   / "+"   /
                      "-"   / "%2F" /
                      "="   / "%3F" /
                      "%5E" / "_"   /
                      "%60" / "%7B" /
                      "%7C" / "%7D" /
tag-no-fold-quote = "%22" *(tag-qtext / tag-quoted-pair) "%22"
tag-quoted-pair   = "%5C"  tag-qptext
tag-qtext         = tag-atext / "(" /
                      ")"   /  "%2C" /
                      "."   /  "%3A" /
                      ";"   /  "%3C" /
                      "%3E" /  "%40" /
                      "%5B" /  "%5D" /
tag-qptext        = tag-qtext / "%20" / "%5C" / "%22"

(The defn of DNSname in 
remains intact.)

A final comment: there are several ways to write a given email address, 
e.g. timothy@hpl.hp.com = "\timothy"@hpl.hp.com = TIMothy@hpl.hp.com. 
Tags containing those different forms are distinct. We leave that to the 

As always, the community's comments would be appreciated.




Tim Kindberg
hewlett-packard laboratories
filton road
stoke gifford
bristol bs34 8qz

voice +44 (0)117 312 9920
fax +44 (0)117 312 8003

Received on Friday, 23 September 2005 14:10:14 UTC