Re: Proposed change to draft-kindberg-tag-uri: tags and "newsml" URNs

Larry Masinter scripsit:

> Yes, there are two separate namespaces that both use
> dates and named "name minters", but urn:newsml actually
> identify resources, and the nature of the resource identified
> can be determined by asking the Provider identified with
> the ProviderId,

(Identified at the date specified by the DateId, provided that Provider
is still extant.)

> while with 'tag', there is no authority to ask, and all of the semantics
> are inferred from the context of use.

So if I ask a tag minter at "What did you mean by <,
2005:whatever>?", it's perfectly in order for the tag minter to reply
"I have no clue"?

This is a social, not a protocol, question.

He made the Legislature meet at one-horse       John Cowan
tank-towns out in the alfalfa belt, so that
hardly nobody could get there and most of
the leaders would stay home and let him go
to work and do things as he pleased.    --Mencken, Declaration of Independence

Received on Friday, 4 March 2005 00:00:41 UTC