hosts: case-insensitive?

In "3.2.2 Host", rfc2396bis-04 says:

"Although host is case-insensitive, producers and
normalizers should use lowercase for host names and hexadecimal
addresses for the sake of uniformity, while only using uppercase
letters for percent-encodings."

It may be that all currently used systems of registry or service names
are indeed case-insensitive, but it seems highly unadequate to restrict
the use of URIs to future registry or service name systems that are
case-insensitive. The text above seems to be a remainder of the
time when host==DNS, and should be fixed, e.g. saying that many
registry or service name systems are cases-insensitive, and that
lower case should be used whenever it is known that the name used
is case-insensitive, but that registry or service names may not
always be case-insensitive.

Section 6 should also be checked, there may be similar issues.

Regards,    Martin. 

Received on Sunday, 7 March 2004 06:43:21 UTC