RE: Section 3.5. Passing fragment identifiers to other systems.

At 15:06 04/02/24 -0500, Al Gilman wrote:

>But "MUST NOT" pass to "other systems" is unjustified and detrimental.
>It should be fixed.  If we want to warn people off of abuse-encouraging
>variants, we need to check out appropriate uses and draw the line
>appropriately before we go there.
>Has there been abuse?  Is there a public discussion of it somewhere?

Yes, at least proposed. There were proposals for schemes that tried
to say something like "in general, you don't need to send the fragment
identifier, but for this scheme, you actually do".

That's what Larry's statement at
would address.

Regards,   Martin.

Received on Friday, 27 February 2004 11:25:13 UTC