Re: Fwd: draft-hoffman-news-nntp-uri-00.txt

Al Gilman scripsit:

> My religion says model first, then bind to syntax.  Not sure it matters.]

My religion, which is a superset of your religion (nya nya), says that
concrete syntax is often a useful intuition pump; what's more, you
can't actually write down your model without using some syntax or
other (even if it's an awkward one, like formal English prose); bare
semantics is as nonexistent as bare singularities.

But I agree that the outcome is what matters here.

> Remind me: are <article-number>s portable across servers?   Or are 
> these independently assigned as the messages are received at the server?

They are not in the general case portable across servers.  There is
ancillary software which can make them so in particular cases, but this
is not generally done except where creating exact mirrors is necessary.

I am expressing my opinion.  When my            John Cowan
honorable and gallant friend is called,
he will express his opinion.  This is 
the process which we call Debate.                   --Winston Churchill

Received on Friday, 27 August 2004 17:19:58 UTC