Re: Proposal: new top level domain '.urn' alleviates all need for urn: URIs said:
> Er. Right. Like I said, the 's' in https: is a processing
> instruction that results in different behavior from the server.
> One can denote the same resource with an http: URI, an
> https: URI, a urn: URI, an ftp: URN, etc. and insofar
> as the denotation is concerned, those URIs are opaque.
> However, http: and https: URIs have IMO a special relation
> in that whereas other lexical distinctions between two
> URIs might correspond to a difference in denotation, alternation
> between the http: and https: schemes for the otherwise
> lexically equivalent URIs cannot and does not result
> in any difference in denotation.
> Any URI https://X denotes the very same resource as
> the URI http://X,

This is complete and utter rubbish.

I have set up web sites where http://X and https://X, for the same X, have
resulted in completely different pages that then do different things.

In fact, the equivalence was between https://X/Y and http://X/Itrustyou/Y

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Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2003 16:27:24 UTC