Re: Proposal: new top level domain '.urn' alleviates all need for urn: URIs

> If you have two URIs then you, by
> definition, have two distinctly different Resources.

Speaking of things one cannot let go by unnoticed....

Quick test case.   You're saying that by inspection it is true that:

     <a> owl:differentFrom <b>.

and also that:

     <> owl:differentFrom <>.

That is, if two URIs are textually different, then their identified
resources cannot possibly ever be the same thing.

I don't think that's what you mean to be saying.   If it is, I think
you're in a small minority in this community.

Perhaps you meant to say: "There is nothing in the HTTP and HTTPS
specifications which mandate that the resources identified when you
change from one scheme to the other (keeping the rest of the URI the
same) are the same thing.  Since that's not in the spec, why are you
claiming it's true?"

     -- sandro

Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2003 12:15:28 UTC