feedback on draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis-03.txt

Regarding the document at

* "The URI syntax is organized hierarchically, with components listed in
    decreasing order from left to right."

   Should "in decreasing order" be "in order of decreasing significance"?

* "If data for a URI component would conflict with the reserved purpose,
   then the conflicting data must be escaped (Section 2.4) before forming the

   Shouldn't "escaped" be "encoded"?

   Doesn't "escaping" refer to the characters that actually appear, and
   doesn't "encoding" refer to what is represented, especialy if it doesn't
   actually appear?

   (An escape character "escapes" from the normal meaning of a following
   character.  The special meaning of the escaped character may be to
   _encode_ some third character.

   - In the Unix shell input "echo \$PATH", the dollar sign is escaped
     by the backslash.  (The backslash escapes from the normal meaning
     of the dollar sign (encoding a "command" to subsitite a variable)
     to a special meaning (encoding an actual dollar sign character).)

   - In C, in the escape sequence "\7", the backslash changes the
     meaning of the character "7" in the source from representing the
     character "7" (in the compiled code) to representing (encoding) a
     BEL character.

   - Similarly, in URIs, the escape sequence "%20" _encodes_ a space.
     The space isn't _escaped_.  (It's not like the escaped spaces in
     "ls file\ with\ space".)


- " the first question-mark ("?"), number-sign ("#"), or
    the end of the URI string."

   probably should be:

    " the first question-mark ("?") or number-sign ("#")
    or the end of the URI string."

   (Also, there are several similar non-parallel sentences.)

-  This:

      ...the URI <> has...

    would be less ambiguous if it were written with standard English
    quoting, as:

      ...the URI "" has...

- "URI generating applications"

    should be

   "URI-generating applications"


Received on Thursday, 28 August 2003 16:12:58 UTC