Pat's proposed text (WAS: Resources and URIs)

pat hayes wrote,
> [ PS. Here is my suggestion for an alternative introductory text. It
> probably needs wordsmithing.
> "This document specifies the syntax of URIs, which are a form of
> global identifier used in Web protocols and languages.  Particular
> uses of URIs, and their intended meanings in various contexts, are
> described in other specifications. In general, the entities referred
> to or identified by URIs when used in Web contexts are called
> "resources"., but this document does not specify the nature of
> resources or to restrict resources to any particular category of
> entities."
> and leave it at that.  Nothing else at all about resources, no
> examples, no discussion.
> This follows a dictum: when something is highly controversial, don't
> try to get it right, just don't say it. And it tacitly admits what is
> the actual case, which is that its up to the world in general to
> decide what URIs are *actually* going to mean.. So the least said,
> the better.]

This would get my vote if I had one. 

It's concrete enough for the rest of the text to make sense. It's 
admirably clear and concise. And it seems to cover all the use cases.



Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2003 18:32:44 UTC