Re: URI Fragment Identifiers for text/plain

Larry Masinter scripsit:

> With HTML, the location of A/name nodes is relatively robust,
> since they label the context. I don't think char= or
> line= are robust, and match='s robustness depends on
> the regular expression.

There's a tradeoff between robustness and the ability to point into
frozen documents where the author has not politely scattered lots of
ids for you.  That's why XPointer supports both ids and Xanadu-style
tumblers as the simple cases, along with the super-duper-XPath version
that isn't yet ready for prime time.

Real FORTRAN programmers can program FORTRAN    John Cowan
in any language.  --Allen Brown       

Received on Saturday, 19 April 2003 03:56:50 UTC