Re: Content-Location is your friend

On 2002-01-18 8:52, "ext Mark Baker" <> wrote:

> whereas I would
> prefer that *all* of these relationships were made explicit with the
> mechanisms provided by the Semantic Web, and that the identifiers
> themselves remain entirely opaque.

Well, we could do that by simply using only UUIDs.

But as I pointed out, having to define all of the common, shared
semantics explicitly for every single identifier is IMO the
way of madness.

The whole point IMO of URI schemes is to be able to capture
the common semantics and intended application of sets of
identifiers in a consistent and efficient manner.

Capturing common semantics in a formal taxonomy of URI schemes
allows for all SW applications/layers to benefit, not just
HTTP or applications built on HTTP protocols, but any SW
application, standard, or methodology that is URI aware.

HTTP is not the foundation/heart/soul of the SW. URIs are.

The maximal point of intersection between SW applications
should be URIs and the common semantics defined for URI
schemes and the URI classes to which those schemes belong,
and the taxonomy of schemes and classes should, IMO, be
formal -- i.e. the classical view.



Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
Nokia Research Center         Email:

Received on Friday, 18 January 2002 02:58:59 UTC