[Fwd: Re: [xml-dev] creating a URI class]

I'm curious whether this URI class (part of Java 1.4) really passes
muster.  In particular, I'm wondering about whether its equals() method
is true to the different notions of equality in the different schemes.


Any thoughts?

-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Simon St.Laurent <simonstl@simonstl.com>
To: Elliotte Rusty Harold <elharo@metalab.unc.edu>
Cc: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] creating a URI class
Date: 16 Feb 2002 18:24:11 -0500

On Sat, 2002-02-16 at 17:02, Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:
> FYI, there is a java.net.URI class in Java 1.4. You might just want 
> to use that, and even if you don't you could learn from it. See
> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/api/java/net/URI.html

Thanks!  1.3 is currently my target JDK (and will be for a while if I
shift to a Mac for development), but this is interesting.  I'm
especially curious how the equals() method works:


 For two URIs to be considered equal requires that either both are
opaque or both are hierarchical. Their schemes must either both be
undefined or else be equal without regard to case, and similarly for
their fragments.

For two opaque URIs to be considered equal, their scheme-specific parts
must be equal.

For two hierarchical URIs to be considered equal, their paths must be
equal and their queries must either both be undefined or else be equal.
Their authorities must either both be undefined, or both be
registry-based, or both be server-based. If their authorities are
defined and are registry-based, then they must be equal. If their
authorities are defined and are server-based, then their hosts must be
equal without regard to case, their port numbers must be equal, and
their user-information components must be equal.

In particular, I'm curious whether fragments are case-insensitive, and
some schemes (like HTTP) regard case as insignificant in the domain
name.  Hmmm... maybe I'll post this to uri@w3.org.
Simon St.Laurent
Ring around the content, a pocket full of brackets
Errors, errors, all fall down!

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Received on Saturday, 16 February 2002 17:23:00 UTC