Re: draft-masinter-dated-uri-00.txt

> So you're saying that using duri does a bit of "resource
> resolution" -- that a duri URI points not to a resource at a
> certain point of time, but instead the entity that that resource
> corresponded to? This is an important distinction.

This ties back into a discussion that I just had with Pat Hayes on this
very list [1]; that "the entity the resource corresponds to" and "the
resource itself" identified by an HTTP are indistinguisable in some
contexts of use, and not in others. With respect to this discussion, what
this means is that the duri specification will have to decide what it is
that an HTTP URI identifies within the context of a duri, and Aaron has
already graciously provided that answer.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Sunday, 21 October 2001 21:06:43 UTC