Re: Proposal for an "address:" URI Scheme

> interesting talk by Michael Gorlick

Thank you for this! Some of the points it raises are very interesting
indeed, such as internal spatial representation, and
accuracy/granularity of locations. It is clear that the "address:"
scheme (assuming it even gets off of the drawing board) should be very
precise about its intended scope: as a URI based direct substitute for
common postal addresses.

I found it interesting that Gorlick talks about the ".geo" domain...
I'm not sure if the DNS system could cope with such accurate spatial
locations or that control over the domains themselves could be
properly administered, but it's a great idea all the same.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2001 22:15:31 UTC