Re: URIs / URLs

Aaron Swartz wrote:
> Mark Nottingham <> wrote:
> >>  (b) support for [URNs] is available in popular browsers and has
> >>  been for several generations
> >
> > Just curious - how do browsers support URNs?

Thru various hooks, esp HTTP proxying...

     It is likewise
     recommended that, where a protocol allows for retrieval by URL,
that the
     client software have provision for being configured to use specific
     gateway locators for indirect access through new naming schemes. 
     -- RFC 1630 URIs in WWW June 1994 

Unfortunately, in NS4.x, this only works for urn: , not
for all absolute URIs that follow the right syntax.
For details, see

I reported the goofy parsing of URI schemes such as irc: and tel:
as a bug (#2110) and it's fixed in mozilla. I hear there's
something related called protozilla, but I don't know the details.

Internet explorer also has support for URI scheme extensiblity.
see #hack-schemes above for details.

Konqueror had some minor bugs; I reported those, and I think
they're being fixed.

In general, the clients are getting better.

> oded or does it look it up somehow?).

It's just a local proxy mechanism. There are designs for
new ubiquitous services for URN resolution, but (a) they're
not widely deployed, and (b) the well-designed ones
work for all URIs... just as well to make http: URIs
more robust as to make urn:'s work.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2001 21:43:48 UTC