Re: UTF-8 in URIs

Hello Xuan,

For a general overview, please see

At 00/10/09 01:27 +0200, Xuan Baldauf wrote:
>I'm new to this list (and therefore maybe this issue has been flamed to
>death or is an FAQ), but I could not find anything in the list archives
>to following issue:
>The use of "UTF-8 over %HH" as default encoding for non-ASCII characters
>as recommended in memo RFC2718 Section 2.2.5 is a BadThing(tm) and
>strongly against "common practice".
>Many applications (including current Netscape Communicator and Internet
>Explorer) tend to assume that every byte above 127 is Latin-1 or even

This is definitely wrong. It may look like that on systems
that assume everything else is Latin-1, but there are many
other systems. And RFC 2396 very clearly says that URIs
escape bytes, not characters, and that the byte <-> character
mapping is undefined.

>This assumption will get wrong when HTTP clients start to use
>the byte-space of Latin-1 for UTF-8. That's why I implemented Unicode it
>on my project both client and server side as UTF-16 encoding like
>where H is a hex digit, big endian. The full value makes up a UTF-16
>value. Because in the old escape form %HH, H can only be in range
>['0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f'], we have plenty of namespace which is
>currently undefined (from %gXXXX to %zXXXX).

Something like this has been around for a short time in
ECMAScript, but it has been superseeded by the UTF-8 method.

>Servers which do not understand this must reply with "400 Bad Request"
>(RFC2616), so the client knows it should retry with Latin-1 or signal
>the user that the server is not capable of Unicode-URLs.

Why should it retry with Latin-1? Why not shift_JIS or euc-kr,
or so? And why spend additional round trips on this problem?

>But the current behaviours makes it ambigous wether %da%bf represents
>U+6bd (ARABIC LETTER TCHEH WITH DOT ABOVE) (new understanding of
>URL-escape) or wether it represents "レソ" (U+da, U+bf) (old understanding
>of URL-escape).

I general, it doesn't represent either, it just represents these
bytes, and nothing more. Even an URI of 'abc' doesn't really represent
the characters 'abc', it just represents the bytes 0x61, 0x62, and
0x63. The chance of coincidence between the 'abc' in the URI and
an original 'abc' is much greater in that case, but not at all

>This ambiguity is a magnitude worse than a "400 Bad Request" which can
>be retried. Please think about this comment and imagine a world where
>servers do not understand clients and vice-versa because the one
>interpretes URLs with Latin-1 charset, the next one with UTF-8 charset.
>Using the unused namespace after '%' like %uHHHH provides a clean
>transition from old conventions to new ones, not a collission where
>conventions compete and the competition case is the failure case.

Well, maybe, except that it not only gives a 400, it also
confuses or kills any other part of the Web infrastructure
that handles URIs. Just a bit too much to risk.

>This cleanup is not needed so strongly for "common" web sites, because
>most web sites have the ability to choose the filename used and
>therefore can choose wether to require unicode support or not. But it is
>needed for internationalized forms, because the most common (and most
>efficient) content-type for POST requests is x-www-form-urlencoded, and
>GET requests obviously are URL-encoded.

Ok, now it's clear what your problem is. It would have helped
to know it up front. Forms are indeed a serious problem, but
there is some help, see below.

> defines
>content-type x-www-form-urlencoded to be only ASCII-capable, this is not
>necessary and this is not current common practice. Content-type
>multipart/form-data could be a solution, but it is largely inefficient,
>not supported by current browsers and not usable for GET requests,
>because POST requests cannot be represented by URLs and URLs|URIs often
>are the only way to effciently specify a resource.
>The conrete problem I have is a web-chat-server which enables the user
>to input his|her chat comments into ordinary <INPUT TYPE=TEXT> input
>lines. Browsers sent data encoded by Latin-1 and cp1252, the chat server
>is per definition unable to comply both the practical requirement to
>interpret URLs as UTF-8 and to interpret URLs as Latin-1|cp1252 as UTF-8
>and Latin-1 are byte-incompatible.

It seems that you are worried mainly/only about the distinction
between Latin-1 and UTF-8 in form replies. This can be dealt with
rather well with current infrastructure:

- Most current browsers (definitely v4.0 and up of the major browsers)
   try to send back the answer in the same encoding as the page they
   received. So if you use UTF-8 and label your page as such, it
   should just work. You may also have two pages, one for Latin-1
   (for older browsers) and one for UTF-8 (for newer browsers).

- For those cases where that doesn't work, and as an additional
   safety check, you can make use of the fact that in most cases,
   UTF-8 and Latin-1 are easy to distinguish. The sequence of bytes
   resulting from encoding a text in Latin-1 usually doesn't qualify
   as UTF-8, because UTF-8 has some very special byte sequence patterns.
   The other way round, UTF-8 interpreted as Latin-1 results in wierd
   garbage. For details, please see my paper at:
   (in particular page 21). For windows-1252 (please note that this
   is the officially registered identifier, please avoid cp1252),
   this table may have to be slightly extended.

Regards,    Martin.

Received on Monday, 9 October 2000 22:34:12 UTC