- From: Josh Schoof <josh@josh1.weboneinc.com>
- Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 01:18:21 -0400
- TO: uri@Bunyip.Com
FROM: aj@gaymen.com SUBJECT: Gay Site I just wanted to let you know that GayTV And GayMen.Com have webmaster referral programs that pay you for every person that signs-up for either site. You can signup online and start making money now:) Check out our webmaster pages for all the details - you can signup for both sites and make double the money. GayTV: http://www.aj1.com/gaytv/webmasters GayMen.Com: http://www.gaymen.com/webmasters Thanks, AJ GayMen.com aj@gaymen.com
Received on Wednesday, 13 May 1998 01:27:07 UTC