RE: telephone URLs, comments on draft-antti-telephony-url-04

At 02.17 -0700 98-06-30, Larry Masinter wrote:
>You want to make (a) the definition of "is the namespace hierarchical"
>and then decide whether hierarchical naming applies. I want to make
>hierarchy a design option which can be employed whenever it is deemed
>useful by the namespace designer, even if (a) doesn't hold.
>Does that characterize the difference?

Definitely....hmmm....I have something to think about now. I think I want
to meet you in front of a whiteboard... :-)

By the way, I would like to be explicit so everyone knows, that regarding
E.164 numbering, I know that I personally have ideas on how to do this, so
Keith Moore is the one taking care of that as AD. I.e. what I have said has
nothing to do with my AD hat, but my personal one.

That said, Keith and I have seen the need for a BOF talking about E.164
numbering, lookups etc, where also this URL issue can be discussed, in
Chicago. We will send out some more information later on these issues.


Received on Wednesday, 1 July 1998 05:11:54 UTC