- From: Henk Matthezing <henkm@python.konbib.nl>
- Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 14:56:12 +0200 (MET DST)
- To: meta2@mrrl.lut.ac.uk, urn-ietf@Bunyip.Com, uri@Bunyip.Com, radar@mrrl.lut.ac.uk, Multiple recipients of list <web4lib@library.berkeley.edu>, UWEBD@MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU, ELAG-L@nic.surfnet.nl, BIBLINK2@nic.surfnet.nl, NEDLIB-PAR@nic.surfnet.nl, metaweb@dstc.edu.au, NEDBIB-L@nic.surfnet.nl, CWIS-NL@nic.surfnet.nl, ISOC-NL lijst <ISOC-NL@nic.surfnet.nl>
- Cc: Titia van der Werf <titia@python.konbib.nl>
L.S. ************ Our sincere excuses if you receive more than one copy of this message. It is crossposted to several lists. ************ On 1 May 1998 the project Directory Of Netherlands Online Resources (DONOR) has started. OBJECTIVES The objective of DONOR is to create an enabling infrastructure for information management and retrieval on SURFnet, the national research network of the Netherlands. DONOR will provide a co-ordinated approach to document and metadata management on the Web. CO-ORDINATION & PARTNERS The project is managed by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the National Library of the Netherlands, which has a national responsibility in the field of information infrastructure. Participants in DONOR are Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB), SURFnet bv and the Academisch Computer Centrum Utrecht (ACCU). KB is responsible for co-ordinating content issues, SURFnet for co-ordinating the technological aspects and ACCU will support SURFnet with technological developments as a subcontractor to SURFnet bv. DURATION The duration of the project is two years: Phase 1: 1 May 1998 till 1 May 1999. Phase 2: 1 May 1999 till 1 May 2000. ISSUES In DONOR methods and techniques will be implemented to improve information management and retrieval on the World Wide Web. Areas of special interest are metadata, structure and version management of web publications, unique identification of information units and information filtering techniques. Search Engines of SURFnet bv will be modified to ensure that the implementation of standards and techniques on the level of information management will provide tangible results in the area of retrieval. DONOR will follow closely the current trends and developments in the Internet community, such as the Metadata Activity of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) working groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Dublin Core Metadata Workshops of the Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC) and the DOI-system of the International Digital Object Identifier Foundation (IDF). Exchange at a practical level with comparable initiatives worldwide (US, Australia, Europe) will stimulate the necessary link between development and actual use. DONOR will make information suppliers and managers in the Netherlands aware of the importance of metadata for the retrieval of documents on the Web. RESULTS After consulting the target group, the Dutch research and higher education community, DONOR will implement the following set of standards, methods, procedures and techniques: * A standard metadata set and a metadata generator to create descriptions of web documents * Methods and techniques for the structuring of web documents * Methods and techniques for version management of web documents * A procedure for the unique identification of web documents * A URN-to-URL-resolution service for the management of locations of web documents * Filtering techniques for Web information During the project a user group for the DONOR infrastructure will be built up. The extent and representativeness of this user group will have to justify the future exploitation of the infrastructure. For more information about Donor, please contact: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Library Research Department, Titia van der Werf (project manager) PO Box 90407 Postcode 2509 LK City The Hague, The Netherlands Telephone +31 70 3140 467 Fax +31 70 3140 501 E-mail donor@python.konbib.nl URL http://www.konbib.nl/donor/index-en.html Discussionlist: donor-l@nic.surfnet.nl (dutch language mainly) Regards, Henk _ ----------------------------------- o ---------------- / \--- _/\_------- /<_ /\ / \_/ \ _=\--\_ / \_/ \ Henk Matthezing_________________(_)/ /(_)__/ \ 'A King, Riding on Random Water' coordinating editor Virginia Woolf - The Waves (orig. Manuscript) Redactie Infoservices Koninklijke Bibliotheek/SURFnet B.V. Phone: +31 70 3140 615 P.O.B. 90407 Fax: +31 70 3140 501 2509 LK Den Haag E-mail: henkm@python.konbib.nl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Thursday, 20 August 1998 09:03:25 UTC