Re: fragment syntax

to follow up on what Roy T. Fielding said:
> To: Al Gilman <>

> >I still have hopes to see this kind of intra-resource reference
> >refinement strengthened in the URI vocabulary of the 'Net.
> >
> >See for example my flame about "Where-it-says in URLs" at
> >
> >
> This is another one of those oft-repeated discussions that never
> actually leads to implementations.  For example,
> ...
> From: "Roy T. Fielding" <fielding@avron.ICS.UCI.EDU>

> We have discussed this same topic many times on the www-talk and uri
> lists, and the conclusion is always the same:
>    3) the "=" character should be used as an indicator for a non-name
>       syntax, as in
>           #name        (as in current HTML use)
>           #id=fred

1.  Lynx will process the simple form for both name and id i.e.


because they are guaranteed never to duplicate.  Seems like the
right way to go.  

2.  None of the other forms mentioned do a "where-it-says," i.e. 
match a string.

>           #bytes=200-254
>           #words=20-24
>           #line=4
>           #chapter=14
>           #page=3

But, the belling-the-cat question is still who would implement it.

-- Al Gilman

Received on Monday, 27 October 1997 22:59:44 UTC