I was at your web site today


I was at your web site today and thought you may be interested in building your
web site traffic. If you are the wrong person to speak to about this matter,  I would
appreciate if you could e mail me, and point me in the right direction. Thanks.

My firm, SoftCell Marketing specializes in aggressive traffic building programs 
and e-mail marketing software that can have an impact on the amount of hits your 
site gets and the amount of leads you can generate.

We offer...

Search Drive Engines - possible top 10 listing

Submission of your site to the top Search Drive Engines are one of the most important 
areas to consider on the net because your placement directly affects your exposure. The 
closer to the top, the more clicks or hits or click-throughs you will be able to attract.

 News Groups Postings - super exposure

News Groups are a form of electronic bulletin board where people communicate with 
others sharing similar interests. At this time there are over 30,000 News Groups, each 
specializing in different topics. Discreet postings on appropriate News Groups can reach 
your target market instantly. 

Targeted  Bulk E Mailing -- 1.6 MILLION - NOT SPAM!!!

Targeted Bulk e mailing are by far the most effective and fastest to build web site traffic. 
With our substantial list of e mail addresses we can guarantee you substantial web site 
traffic. We mail to relevant e-mail address that have interest in your products or services.

Public Relations - See us in Business Week - Entrepreneur Magazine - Boadwatch

We have over 22,000 e mail addresses of e-zine and Internet magazines that may consider
an editorial about your product or service. 

If you are interested in hearing more about our service,  or want to download a FREE
demo of E-Mail Works v3.1 please visit our site located at http://www.softcell.net

To that end, I appreciate your time in reading this letter and await your reply.

Gary Cooper
Account Manager
SoftCell Marketing Inc. - 250 East 39th Street - New York, NY 10011 - 212-953-5234

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 1997 23:55:27 UTC