- From: Larry Masinter <masinter@parc.xerox.com>
- Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 12:09:34 PST
- To: harald.t.alvestrand@uninett.no, moore+iesg@cs.utk.edu
- Cc: uri@bunyip.com
The URL BOF met. We decided that we needed a new working group to consider the procedures for vetting new URL schemes. The working group might also consider the current raft of URL scheme proposals for their compliance with those rules. While the current A-D's rules are interesting, the goal is to create community consensus. It's hoped that the generic syntax document would be submitted for Draft Standard before the URL process working group really gets going. There were volunteers for (co)chair (Rich Petke) and document editors (Larry Masinter, Dan Zigmond). Larry Masinter (BOF chair)
Received on Thursday, 12 December 1996 15:35:13 UTC