Re: host vs hostname (Was: CID: and MID: URL schemes)

On Nov 2,  9:48am, Ned Freed wrote:
} Subject: Re: host vs hostname (Was: CID: and MID: URL schemes)
} > However, converting id-spec' into a message-ID (content-ID) becomes
} > problematical.  Rfc 822 requires, I think, that a message-ID containing
} > a host's IP address (hostnumber) have the form "[" digits "." digits "."
} > digits "." digits"]"
} RFC822 actually doesn't specify what a domain literal looks like or how it
} should be interpreted.

No, but RFC1123 specifies in sections 2.1 and 5.2.17 that domain literals
"whose content ... is a dotted-decimal host address" MUST be accepted by
mailers as a valid host identifier.

Bart Schaefer                     Vice President, Technology, Z-Code Software                  Division of NCD Software Corporation

Received on Thursday, 2 November 1995 14:24:47 UTC