- From: Mark Waks <justin@dsd.camb.inmet.com>
- Date: Fri, 26 May 95 16:33:58 EDT
- To: www-vrml@wired.com, uri@bunyip.com
[Warning -- this message is quite long. I'm trying to cover what I see as a major issue, in some detail. Note also that it is cross-posted to the VRML and URI mailing lists, for reasons I will get into. Use common sense with your followups.] First, a few introductions: VRML team, meet the URI group. The URI Working Group is the folks working on standardizing the Uniform Resource Identifiers for the Net. URIs are sort of the generalization of the more common concept of URLs; broadly speaking, they are a collection of schemes for finding Stuff on the Net. At this point, the major concepts have been drafted, and many of the details filled in, although there's still a good deal to do there. URI group, meet the VRML team. VRML is the Virtual Reality Modeling Language, which is intended to become the basis for "cyberspace", a language for modeling distributed 3-dimensional "worlds" on the Net. The www-vrml mailing list is the list that discusses the language per se, and is working on its evolution. (It's not an IETF working group yet, although I suspect it'll become one sooner or later.) Version 1.0 of the language, a very rough first cut, is more-or-less final, and we're starting to really discuss what needs to go into later revisions. (Terminology note for the URI folks: a "world" is the VRML equivalent to an HTML "page". Like a page, it may be composed of a number of objects pulled in from elsewhere. This will become important.) I'm Justin; I've been one of the loudmouths on the VRML side pretty much from the beginning, and have been lurking on the URI mailing list for some months now. I *think* I understand most of the issues on both sides, but people should correct me when I err or overgeneralize. (In particular, I'm not sure that I've completely internalized all of the issues surrounding URCs.) This message has several purposes. The first is to simply make the two groups a little more formally aware of each other. There's been relatively little crossover (one or two people that I've noticed) between the two that I've seen, and there probably needs to be a little more. URIs are inevitably going to affect VRML, since VRML is a Web-based (and therefore presumably URI-based) language; VRML is probably going to affect URIs, because the language is rather different from HTML, and has new needs that may require some new twists to the notions underlying URIs. Best that we get to know each other now, and start working together to understand how we can help each other. More specifically, I want to formally bring up an issue that's been bouncing around the VRML mailing list for a number of months now in a rather unfocussed way: how, in the long run, we want to store and reference VRML objects. It's a broad issue, with a number of possible answers. The solution we settle on may involve new forms of URIs, tweaks to the VRML language, more intelligent browsers, or none or all of these. But we've been buck-passing for months, and we need to stop -- we really need to start hashing this out now, if we're to have answers for VRML 2.0, sometime late this year or early next. (And I think we need to address these questions if we are to pull VRML out of just being a toy.) Someone is inevitably going to say, "Oh, that's a browser issue" or "Oh, that's orthogonal to our bailiwick." You may even be right. My point is that, at this point, *we don't know*. We need to decide whose problem this matter is, so they can work on it. The issue goes something like this: VRML is fairly bulky. Exactly how much code is required for good worlds remains to be seen, but I think we can take it as an assumption that a non-trivial VRML world involves a *lot* more bits than a non-trivial HTML page. HTML pages *can* take a lot of bandwidth (especially if you're shipping lots of pictures around), but VRML ones almost certainly will. VRML is also structured rather differently from HTML, and will probably be used rather differently. By the nature of the problem, it is considerably more object-oriented; worlds are made up of a lot of discrete *things*. Moreover, these things tend to fall into classes far more easily than HTML bits do, and will probably be far more reusable. Now, we all know that caching is a good thing, and one of the best ways to deal with the bulkiness problem. But caching in HTML systems pretty much always takes a relatively simple form, based on object URLs. Even if the world moves over to using URNs instead, I expect that the vast majority of cached "objects" will belong to exactly one page. VRML, on the other hand, suggests a very different mode of operation. We *could* take a simple-minded approach, where everyone puts unique, distinct objects in their worlds, and there is little overlap, as in HTML. But it seems to make far more sense to build our cyberspace in a way that makes sharing of objects straightforward and efficient. Now, a number of people have objected to this, on the theory that if we encourage sharing of objects, cyberspace will quickly develop a deadening sameness -- everyone will use exactly the same objects, and worlds will all look alike. I think this is *vastly* overstated. The fact of the matter is that the real world repeats objects all over the place. My telephone poles in Cambridge look pretty much like the ones in Berkeley, I suspect. For the little details of the world like this, sameness is the norm. There are towns that use funky custom poles; similarly, there will be people in cyberspace who want to make everything particular to their space. But most people just want a telephone pole. So here's the challenge -- what is the *right* way for us to share objects? Long-term goals include browsers being able to recognize that this telephone pole loaded from URL A is or can be used in URL B, and hopefully being able to distribute a CD-ROM of the really common objects, so they don't have to be loaded at all. I can think of several different schemes off the top of my head. Some examples: Scheme A -------- The simplest approach just uses URLs, and doesn't especially require any changes. Some altruistic sites declare themselves to be standard object repositories. People build worlds that refer to the objects at these sites. Since everyone is using the same URLs, it is easy for the browsers to detect the fact that multiple worlds are referring to the same objects, and can utilize the cache sensibly. Advantage: we can do it with today's proven technology. Disadvantages: it isn't clear that anyone is all that altruistic. It has the usual disadvantage of URLs: things move around. If we are using standard objects heavily, a single site moving its stuff around could have massive repercussions on the rest of the Net. All the problems that led to the creation of URNs come into play with great force. So... Scheme B -------- Same idea but use URNs instead or URLs. (For the VRML folk: a Uniform Resource Name is the next level of abstraction above URLs. It is a theoretically permanent name attached to a specific object. The name includes a reference to a name broker -- you can then go to the name broker to get the corresponding URL. URI people, correct me if I've made any mistakes here.) Advantages: the usual strengths of URNs over URLs. This makes the system relatively immune to location changes of objects, since it is the name broker's problem to make sure that they stay up to date on where things are. There are still some concerns (for example, if the name broker goes out of business), but it's certainly an improvement. Disadvantages: might still presume our altruistic object sites. (Can this be made to work without them? Maybe, although we then need some mechanism for publicizing common objects.) Moreover, it presumes that the URN name-broker scheme takes off; this is still very new technology, not being used by anybody yet. If no one wants to be a name broker, we could be utterly screwed. Scheme C -------- My pet concept. Bear with me, this one's a little complicated. Those of you who have been on the VRML mailing list for some time have heard it (more or less) before. Observation: like I said before, I suspect that most people aren't going to care all that much about customizing the little details in their worlds. Now I'll go further: I think that a lot of people aren't going to care much about getting exact, specific objects for those details. I know, I'm committing a major heresy here. VR people tend to be very impassioned that a world should be 100% reproducible -- when you and I look at the same world, we should see exactly the same thing. I think that, to some degree, this passion comes from the fact that reprodicibility has clearly been one of the major goals of VR for many years. But I don't entirely buy it. Like it or not, we're not going to get perfect reproduction. My system isn't as powerful as yours, so the rendering engine leaves out details. My screen is lower-res, so those little tiny things on the floor just wash out. And, frankly, people don't even percieve the real world identically; I see no reason to *insist* that cyberspace be any different. Where am I going with this? Let's take another example. In the VRML space I'm currently designing, I have a telephone in the foyer. A telephone is a non-trivial object; a good one has lots of funny curves, and it will take some time to download. But note this: I genuinely don't give a rat's ass about exactly what that telephone looks like. I really don't. Its only purpose in the scene is to sit on top of the telephone books, which are the real pointers to other URLs. The telephone itself is a detail I don't much care about; if anything, I just want it to be something that the user will recognize as a telephone, since its real purpose is to serve as a mnemonic device. This suggests a very different way of looking at objects. URLs and URNs are both built for essentially the same purpose: to locate or identify *one* specific object. URLs say where *a* specific thing is. URNs say what *a* specific thing is. But what I really want here is an instantiation of a class, whichever instance happens to be most convenient for the user. So, here's a simple solution: keyword classification. Conceptually, it goes like this. An object can have any number of keywords associated with it; these identify characteristics that the object has. They can be at any level of specificity, as vague or specific as is needed. When you put in a reference to an object, you can specify a set of keywords that an object must match. These can, again, be as vague or specific as you want. For example, in my example above, I could just specify { "Telephone" }. If I had an office scene, and wanted an appropriate phone, I could say { "Telephone", "Office" }, which might get me a standard two-line phone with bells and whistles. If I care about getting the right kind of phone, I could say { "Telephone", "Rolm 300150" }. And if I really want *exactly* the right phone, the one on my desk with my phone number on it, I could identify it as something like { "Telephone", "Justin du Coeur's" }. (And add some sort of unambiguous identifier if I'm just terrified that it might still be ambiguous.) Along with this list of keywords would be a default, which would be a URL or URN. If the browser didn't have anything conveniently available that matched the keywords, it would go fetch the object using that. There are more details we could go into (like having priorities attached to different keywords, so the browser can make an intelligent guess about the best match), but they don't change the essense of the idea. There are a couple of different ways that this idea could be implemented. When I first proposed it, my intention was that the keywords and default would be separate fields in a VRML node; that is, we would use a VRML-side solution. It was pointed out that this sort of thing tends to be in the URIWG's bailiwick, so I began monitoring that. My conclusion is that there isn't anything exactly right on the drawing boards yet on the URI side; URCs are sort of in the right direction, but there is no syntax (I believe) to specify a set of URC fields to search on. I'm rather agnostic about which implementation makes the most sense, but I still like the underlying idea. Advantages: does *not* require any mythical altruistic sites; the browser can classify objects as they get cached, on fields that have no relation to the location the object came from. Doesn't require URNs to have taken off. Allows *extremely* flexible classification of objects, and permits users to be as vague or exact about which objects they want as they like. I can throw together my house of largely generic objects quickly, and the graphic designers can get every little nuance just the way they want it. Disadvantages: requires inventing a bit of new technology, albeit a fairly easy one. Permits cyberspace to be ambiguous (which some people feel is a drawback). With this scheme, there are really two separate questions: 1) is this keyword scheme a good idea?, and 2) if so, where does it get implemented, in VRML or URIs? There are probably other schemes possible; I've thrown out these three because they're the three I've thought of to date. The important thing is that we start discussing this matter, because if we keep passing the buck around, cyberspace is going to remain quite inefficient. And we need every bit of efficiency we can get. So -- it's now thrown to the lions. Opinions? -- Justin VRML heretic-in-residence Random Quote du Jour: "There is an explanation for Attila. For Haman. For Cortez. For Cesare Borgia. For Christie and Speck and Manson, and Nixon ... and Torquemada. But only the Nemotropin know the explanation, and they smile as best they can with bloody mandibles." -- from "N is for Nemotropin"
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