Re: The Path URN Specification

At 5:58 PM 3/17/95, Daniel LaLiberte wrote:

>The resolution process proceeds as follows. 
> 1. The entire URN, except the scheme and the final component, is
>   converted to a DNS name appended with ".path.urn". For example, 
>      path:/A/B2/C1/doc.html is converted to 
>      c1.b2.a.path.urn 


Is there an implicit assumption regarding the relationship between
the "ownership" of a given DNS domain and an associated subdomain
under the "path.urn" space?   Is there explicitly no relationship?

For example, could I register one of my servers as the "" URN
servers, and thereby preempt use of URNs which begin <path:/>?

It might be a good idea to have some discussion in the document about
the operational and administrative impacts of this mapping approach.


Received on Monday, 27 March 1995 03:24:24 UTC