Comparison of URI charter proposals

I would like to point out that the URI-WG charter proposed by Roy Fielding
represents a major departure from what the WG was originally chartered to
do.  Ron and I exchanged e-mail about the preservation of some of the
concepts when he and I were discussing edits on the proposal he sent
around -- the notion of developing the necessary infrastructure to support
resource discovery tools  and the needed mechanisms to allow more than
"point-and-shoot" access to material on the net.  (Read carefully:  the 
infrastructure, not the tools, is to be discussed).  Roy's proposal focusses 
uniquely on identification, and tosses out access and description mechanisms.

I've attached exerpts from Ron's and Roy's proposed charters below.

We need to think about this carefully before deciding which proposal
better reflects how the charter should read.  



[From the proposed revised charter sent around by Ron:]
> The URI-WG is chartered to define a set of standards for the encoding
> of system-independent resource identification, description, and
> location information for the use of Internet information services.
> These documents will provide a framework that allows Internet users,
> applications, and services to access, describe, and uniquely identify
> Internet resources, all with appropriate levels of security.

[From the proposed revised charter sent around by Roy:]
> The URI-WG is chartered to define a set of standards for the encoding
> of system-independent resource identification information for the use
> of Internet information services.
> identify the requirements for system-independent resource identification,
> define the architectural components necessary to perform that
> identification, and specify the standard interfaces necessary to enable
> those components. 


"Life is chaotic...                                    Leslie Daigle
           ... not random."                  
                  -- ThinkingCat                       Montreal, Canada

Received on Friday, 14 July 1995 00:38:21 UTC