WG glut and Online Bibliography

I posted this to the URC list last week, but Harald suggested I cross post
it here so that all URI readers will have seen it.

After many extensive discussions on the subject, I have concluded that 
Yet-Another-URI-WG is not necessarily the best way forward in
the search for useful resource description element sets, and I will
not be submitting a charter for such a group at this time.

The result of such a working group could hardly assume more stature
than simply an informational RFC, and such an RFC can be developed
without the overhead of a separate WG.

Whatever URC scheme evolves must accomodate a broad spectrum of
metadata, and  we will be working to assure that library resource
description can be accommodated sensibly.  

gee... I feel better already ;-)


I hope no one will infer from this that there is any decline in our
desire to see progress toward interoperable resource description
schemas put into place.  Rather, it just seems more productive to move
towards this goal in a process that is  less formal and that involves
groups that are not typically well represented in the IETF world.
Certainly I will attempt to engage URI folks in any efforts that we
undertake toward this goal.

comments welcome

Received on Monday, 14 August 1995 14:57:23 UTC