better support for citing w3c technical reports

Hi spec-prod folks,

I often cite W3C specifications in academic, technical and policy
environments, and I know that others do as well. It would be great to
improve the support of standards to make citation easier, more consistent
and more effective. That is, it should be easy for people who read TR specs
to cite them correctly.

We should generate a bibtex file with citation details for each spec. We
could also generate JSON for Specref (maybe that part is already present?).

We could collaborate with Zotero or others to make sure there's a
translator that uses embedded metadata in TR HTML to correctly import
metadata about a draft or recommendation.

We could include brief instructions in the Status of this Document section
(or similar) for how to cite this document, including explaining whether
it's a work in progress.

I opened an issue here, but happy to move this to w3c/spec-prod or continue
discussion elsewhere as you suggest.


Nick Doty |
Senior Fellow, Internet Architecture
Center for Democracy & Technology |

Received on Monday, 6 March 2023 21:36:21 UTC