Making your standards processes more data-driven with HTTP Archive

Hi everyone,

I'm Rick Viscomi, member of Chrome DevRel and a core maintainer of the community-run HTTP Archive <> project. I'm reaching out to encourage you all to use this public dataset to help make your standards processes more data-driven. For example, in 2020 we helped the CSS WG study SCSS usage <> to inform the direction of the Color 5 spec. In addition to R&D use cases like this, the dataset could also be used to validate whether standardization efforts were successfully adopted and how it trends over time.

HTTP Archive runs millions of real-world pages through WebPageTest each month and makes the results available on BigQuery. There's so much data that it can actually get unwieldy to query within the 1 TB/month free quota, so I'm offering to work with any interested web standards groups to get you the data you need.

The SCSS example was one that involved a lot of close collaboration over several months, which I'm happy to explore for similarly large projects, but I'm also offering to help with no-commitment, ad hoc analyses. Just ping me in an issue, tell me what you need, and I'll reply <> with the results.

If any of this sounds useful, let's chat! You can tell me about your use cases and I'll explain any applicable limitations of the dataset.

Rick <> <> <>

Received on Thursday, 10 February 2022 22:12:00 UTC