On 11/8/21 12:07 PM, fantasai wrote:

Oh, wow, this document would've been super helpful to know about when I was
trying to prepare the proposed corrections for the Verifiable Credentials v1.1
spec. :)

At first, I thought it was up to the Editor to determine the best way to
expose the proposed corrections. We were pointed to the WOFF spec, to which I
was like: "Oh, well, that's pretty, but I'll just do htmldiff's for just the
proposed corrections.", and then I found out that we needed anchors, and then
I found out that we really did need to make it look like the WOFF Amended REC.

I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the idea that the easiest thing for
an Editor doing candidate/proposed corrections is to 1) know that these things
are expected before they venture into this new land, and 2) have a ReSpec
feature that'll do a visual diff between two block-level elements w/ optional
auto-generated anchors.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Sunday, 14 November 2021 21:48:09 UTC