Editor's notes

Hi Spec Editors,

Some specs feature "editors notes", which are notes that an editor
leaves for the reader or for themselves for whatever reason. These
editors notes are styled in the same way as regular notes (green box,
with a bold "heading").

We are wondering, should such editors notes be stylistically
distinguished from regular spec notes (and, should they be included at
all in specs)?

If the answer is "yes, they should be styled differently": then we
should decide on how to distinguish them in "base.css" (see [1]).

If the answer is "no, just keep them the same", then ReSpec will
automagically start to convert them to "notes" (by changing the css
class value to from "ednote" to "note").  If I don't hear any
responses, I'll assume "no" and change ReSpec to match.

Kind regards,

[1] https://github.com/w3c/tr-design/issues/110

Received on Monday, 20 February 2017 02:45:04 UTC