Re: New publication workflow: Echidna 1.1.1 and Specberus 1.0.3 released

On 18/03/2015 14:15 , Robin Berjon wrote:
>> ```TEXT # ECHIDNA configuration
>> index.html?specStatus=WD;shortName=appmanifest respec
>> images/manifest-src-directive.svg ```
> It's not clear to me why you're passing configuration options to the
> file there. I would presume that shortName is already defined in the
> spec. The spec-generator is smart enough to add the specStatus for you,
> too. You can just make it be "index.html respec".

My bad, this isn't there for some reason. I'm looking into it.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:09:11 UTC