Re: Copying editors' drafts in W3C space

On 01/14/2014 01:13 PM, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
> So, one o the items we have on the publication pipeline wishlist is the
> ability to automatically copy editors drafts on
> My guess would be that we would put them under /drafts/ or /editors/.
> In order to facilitate the task of the script that would do this copy,
> I'm wondering if requiring a manifest file would be acceptable. That
> would avoid having to determine the dependencies between resources in
> the document.
> The logic would be something like:
> - Try fetch the manifest
> - if that fails, simply fetch
>   and declare victory
> - if the manifest is retrieved, go through the entries one by one, fetch
> them (including create subdirectories as needed), and declare victory.
> Not sure how to approach the problem of keeping it up-to-date yet.
> Ideally, the editor should have nothing to do and it's done
> automatically for him, but I don't imagine yet our systems pulling all
> the editors draft every minute. We might be able to listen to
> notifications out of github however.
> What do people think?

Why wouldn't these drafts simply be showing up as ?


Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2014 02:47:17 UTC