ARIA roles in W3C specs to improve accessibility

At the behest of the PFWG I created issue #304 for ReSpec[1].  This is
about the use of ARIA attributes and roles in our generated specs.   I then
opened a discussion among the experts on the use if these attributes and
got some good feedback.  I have been making changes with an eye toward
submitting a pull request in the near future.  Most of these changes are
non-controversial and honestly won't matter to anyone except the experts I
mentioned above.

However, there is one change that has been requested that I think people
*might* care about.  Some background:  ARIA roles include the role "main"
and "complementary".  The new HTML5 element "main" will have an implied
role of "main" once it is ratified.  In an accessible document, the content
that is the "main" content of the document should be enclosed in an element
with a role of "main".  Ancillary content, like Appendices, should be
enclosed in an element with a role of "complementary".

The people I have asked about this have requested that we change ReSpec so
that it wraps the "sections" after the ToC up to the first Appendix in an
element with a role of "main".  In the fullness of time this would be the
"main" element.  Today it should probably be a div role="main".  Similarly
all of the appendices should be wrapped in a div that has a role of

My question for this group is "would anyone object to these wrapper
elements being introduced into the generated document"?


Received on Saturday, 19 April 2014 02:39:06 UTC