Re: Some thoughts on a new publication approach

Not really publication, but more post-publication, managing the future past.

Le 21 oct. 2013 à 10:26, Robin Berjon a écrit :
> Every draft in TR is required to feature a pointer to its existing snapshots (how many there are will depend on how advanced it is).

Very often people complained about the facts that implementers were having access to old versions of a specification. Something else that could be done. 

Linkable doesn't mean indexable.
So when version N is published, it could be possible to add version N-1 in robots.txt. such as 

User-agent: *
Disallow: /TR/2013/10/shortname-blah 

It creates a bit more opacity on the older versions, still accessible through links (previous), but less findable through search engines.

Karl Dubost

Received on Monday, 21 October 2013 22:48:16 UTC