Re: How to run the respec tests from the command line

On 12/07/2013 04:29 , Shane McCarron wrote:
> I have been making changes to respec, and I have run the tests in the
> browser using specrunner.html.  That works well, but of course "if it's
> not the same, it's different".  Tests that are passing in Chrome in
> specrunner seem to fail when Robin ran them from the command line.

That's weird to be honest, they should be as close as it gets.

> So... the obvious question is "how do I set up a test environment for
> respec on a Linux platform from the command line"?

You need Node and PhantomJS. Then at the root, running "npm test" will 
give you the same output that Travis is using.

Note that for development, I still prefer to use the in-browser version. 
But the CI system isn't happy with instructions like "Look at the tests 
in your favourite browser and if it's all green you're good" :)

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Friday, 12 July 2013 08:06:14 UTC