Re: Editor's drafts on /TR/… ftw, was Re: new TR tools and editor's drafts?

On Wednesday, July 3, 2013 at 10:58 PM, L. David Baron wrote:

> On Wednesday 2013-07-03 15:24 +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:
> > To be fair though, in the past few years (before joining the Team)
> > I've never had to wait more than 24h before releasing a WD. DAP had
> The publications I've been involved in in the past two years are:
> has had 4 TR publications:
> publi-
> cation
> process
> stat pubdate started delay
> FPWD 20110901 20110803 29
> WD 20120911 20120910 1
> LCWD 20121213 20121115 28
> CR 20130404 20130220 43
> Since I became the main active editor,
> has had 2 TR publications:
> WD 20120403 20120329 5
> WD 20130213 20130208 5
> So one day turnaround feels more like the exception to me than the
> rule. Even 5 days is long enough that I've likely forgotten about
> it, and might forget to make the announcement to the relevant
> mailing lists, blogs, and twitter accounts. (And there have
> definitely been cases of neither the editor nor the working group
> being notified when a TR publication happens, so we actually do have
> to remember!)
> It's also mostly the things that involve extra approvals that take
> ridiculous amounts of time, but not entirely. (The 28 day LCWD
> above was a case where the publication request was made on a
> Thursday for the following Tuesday, the publication didn't actually
> happen, and nobody remembered to check on the issue for a few weeks,
> since by the Tuesday 5 days later, we'd forgotten about such old
> news.)

This reminded me of the publication moratorium that happens every so often (e.g., when the AB met the other week, the one over xmas, the one before TPAC, etc. - there are probably more). Those are a "W3C problem", and would not need to happen if we could just publish stuff on our own. Those can last weeks, like the one over xmas, and are really annoying because they often lead to a mad rush to get stuff out and if you miss the window, you are basically screwed. 

Marcos Caceres

Received on Thursday, 4 July 2013 00:55:50 UTC