Re: Removing XHTML saving from ReSpec?

On 2013-02-25 16:24, Shane McCarron wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 9:12 AM, Robin Berjon <> wrote:
>>> I guess HTML4+RDFa might be. I will start lobbying for that now.
>> I'll lobby for HTML5+RDFa, no point in downgrading perfectly fine markup!
> The problem with it is that, while it may work in modern user agents,
> it does not in legacy user agents.  And it does not in screen readers.
>   And lots of other technology out there that we just don't encounter
> every day.  The constituency of the W3C is broader than people who run
> the latest version of Chrome.

It probably would be helpful if you gave a concrete example of a tool 
that won't be able to properly display the text.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 25 February 2013 15:29:48 UTC