Re: Please don't shout or throw things at this respec newbie

Robin Berjon, Mon, 03 Jun 2013 22:17:26 +0200:
> On 03/06/2013 19:29 , Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
>> I have filed a bug for this, 3 moths ago:

>> Citing myself from that bug: ”There are 5 instances of document.write
>> in”

> That's actually a different bug entirely. The calls to 
> document.write() only happen on documents that are returned by 
>, which in turn should be about:blank HTML documents. 
> Your bug is still open because it's still in my list of things to 
> track properly down.

Hm - I think that it is the same bug *except* that I did not understand 
what I was reporting … (I did not locate the bug.) And so I ended up 
reporting something else. :-D

The problem that Henry reported (and which is the problem I have had) 
is, I think, located in this line in require.js:

b === c ? bh.appendChild(p) : U(b).appendChild(p), p.innerHTML = n[1] + 
l + n[2];

Web console of Firefox says:

      An invalid or illegal string was specified @ <snip>require.js:3308

Question: Should it in theory work with require.js version 2.x ?

Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Monday, 3 June 2013 20:44:34 UTC