Removed some redundancy for biblio.js

In the current biblio.js, there are quite a few repeated entries that only differ by key. For example,  

    "FLEXBOX": {
        "authors": [
            "Tab Atkins Jr",
            "Elika J. Etemad",
            "Alex Mogilevsky"
    "FLEXBOX-20120918": {
        "authors": [
            "Tab Atkins Jr",
            "Elika J. Etemad",
            "Alex Mogilevsky"

I would like to propose adding a "previousVersions" property, which contains the URLs to previous versions of a spec.  
The previousVersions property would have the following data structure:  
[{datekey: "20121213", url: "http://w3/TR/..."}]

Then, people who want to refer to a dated version of a document in their spec:
<p>The [[FOO-20121213]] spec … bla bla bla</p>  

And the link to the dated spec is put into the bibliography at the end of the document.  

That gets rid of the redundancy in the biblio.js and allows one to key the actual spec by date. It is also backwards compatible with existing specifications that are using the [[KEY-W3CDATE]] pattern.


Marcos Caceres

Received on Wednesday, 1 May 2013 17:28:19 UTC