Re: Fall mechanisms (Re: [Pubrules] Changes to enable use of HTML5)

On Mar 14, 2012, at 16:29 , Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-03-14 at 07:51 -0700, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> Here's something even simpler:
>> <!doctype html>
>> <figure>
>>  <svg>
>>    <defs>
>>      <foreignObject>
>>        <img src="fallback.png" />
>>      </foreignObject>
>>    </defs>
>>    ...real image here
>>  </svg>
>>  <figcaption>I'm an image!</figcaption>
>> </figure>
>> In UAs that support SVG, the <img> will never be rendered.  In UAs
>> that don't, you'll just get an <img> wrapped up in a bunch of unknown
>> inline elements.
> but if you have a text element in your SVG, that text node will be
> visible if the agent doesn't understand inline SVG, leading to messy
> text.

Untested, but wouldn't this help in some CSS?

@namespace svg "";
text { display: none; }
svg|text { display: initial; }

Also, are we considering having something like available as a W3C resource so that we can reference it reliably without copying it for each spec?

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 20:04:02 UTC