Re: IETF RFC format <-> W3C pubrules

On Sunday, 29 April 2012 at 05:11, Doug Schepers wrote:

> I think IETF, and the Web community, would benefit from a well-style
> HTML version of IETF specs.

I agree. But, irrespective of how they look stylistically, I think most would just settle for normative HTML specs from the IETF with proper marked-up/linkable definitions, algorithms, and sections (and particularly, for the IETF deprecate the paginated text-only format so their is only one authoritative source in HTML). 

It would be great to hear if the IETF has any requirements form the W3C side. As HTML is the normative format at the w3c, I wonder if other communities require anything form us?   

Marcos Caceres

Received on Sunday, 29 April 2012 11:36:39 UTC