Re: Other designation than "Editor"?

On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 12:04:37 +0100, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:
> Ego/career advancement aside, what is the use case for designating  
> authorship or/vs editorial ship (e.g., is there some legal reason to  
> list authors or editors)?

I don't know. It seems useful to know who is responsible for a given  
document though. The reason for making the distinction was mainly that  
"Editor" does not really describe the relation that person has to the  
document well. I don't really care that much either, just curious what  
other people thought.

> I'm wondering because a lot of other standards setting bodies don't list  
> Editors or authors.

Interesting. W3C/IETF/WHATWG all do. But I guess they've all been inspired  
by each other.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2011 11:32:05 UTC