Re: References Re: What are the requirements/problems? Re: Working on New Styles for W3C Specifications

On Dec 14, 2011, at 11:36 , Marcos Caceres wrote:
>> For writing Web applications, very much so. With respect to tools for  
>> writing specs, I don't think JavaScript is at all dominant. If I have  
>> missed some really important recent trends that moved all spec writing  
>> to JavaScript, I'd appreciate some pointers.
> Robin can probably give you a good indication of how many specs are using Respec.js.   

Actually I have no idea except that it's a lot :) I just know that it's a lot of API specs, many RDF and XML security specs, and then again a bunch of others. It's a rare week when I don't learn about a few new documents using it.

So to answer Martin's question I don't know if using JavaScript for spec writing is "dominant" but it certainly is mainstream.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 10:59:28 UTC