Re: References Re: What are the requirements/problems? Re: Working on New Styles for W3C Specifications

On 2011-12-14 11:36, Marcos Caceres wrote:
> ...
>> I haven't written any of the W3C or IETF specs that I wrote in a Web
>> Browser. Given that, I don't understand why support by Web Browsers
>> would be relevant. Maybe you can explain.
> My idea was basically to XHR the /TR/biblio file and just generate the bibliography dynamically for W3C specs. That way, I don't have to do any maintenance and I always get the freshest information from /TR/. Tools like Respec.js could do the same also (it's own bibliography file is constantly, and unnecessarily, falling out of date).
 > ...

curl and XSLT are your friends for this; I don't see why XHR or a 
browser are needed here.

The one thing missing in tr.rdf is stable ordering of author names.

> ...

Best regards, Julian

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 10:50:11 UTC