Re: [respec] acronyms


On Nov 23, 2011, at 11:03 , Giuseppe Pascale wrote:
> **
> The tool is also capable of producing a diff-marked version. , but if you
> have a configuration setting of 'previousDiffURI' set to a document to
> compare to When selected, the tool will use special configuration
> parameter 'previousDiffURI' (or the previousURI if previousDiffURI is not
> defined) and the current content to produce a diffmarked version by
> passing parameters 'oldfile' and 'newcontent' to the diff tool.
> **
> may benefit from some rephrasing (remove but? add a dot before "When", etc).
> Also, the all thing doesn't seem to work for me, for the usual document:
> Bug or me not using it properly?

One of the joys of open source is that I have very little idea how the diff tool works, and have not used it even once :) I've Cc'ed Shane who wrote the code. The only thing that I know about it is that I've seen people use it and that it worked for them (within the limits of the server-side diff tool's abilities — it is known to screw up on some things IIRC).

> #2
> I have a problem with the publication date. In the usual document
> I see "01 January 1970" as a date in Opera. Works in ffx and chrome so maybe is an opera bug.
> But strangely enough it works when I load the file in Opera locally. Do you have any clue what's wrong?
> I did a quick check and tested a couple of things but didn't manage to find the issue. Maybe you that are more familiar with the code can spot easily what's going on?

This seems to be an Opera bug, or at least a difference in the way that Opera does things. When you don't specify the pubDate configuration property, ReSpec tries its best to be helpful and uses the document.lastModified property as the date (since that is the most likely to be correct for an editor's draft).

It seems that this worked with dev.w3 (which is CVS) because it set correct Last-Modified headers, but it appears that dvsc.w3 (which is hg) might not do so. What other browsers do is that they seem to fall back to "right now" whereas Opera falls back to the origin of the epoch.

I don't really consider that as a bug in ReSpec though: it can only use the best that the browser gives it. If you want a reliable publication date, you should really use pubDate :)

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 11:05:10 UTC