Re: [respec] acronyms

On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 16:07:13 +0100, Robin Berjon <> wrote:

> Hi Giuseppe,

> On Nov 22, 2011, at 15:13 , Giuseppe Pascale wrote:
>> This doesn't seem to work for me though. Is it a known bug? Or is the  
>> documentation wrong? Or am I misunderstanding this?
>> What I did is something like
>> <abbr title="set-top box">STB</abbr>
>> and I was expecting STB to become an <abbr> everywhere in the document.
> No, that is supposed to work. Can you provide us with a pointer to the  
> document where that isn't working?

> Also, since you work for Opera I guess that you're using your own  
> browser: please know that some recent versions (11.62 and 12 at least)  
> have introduced a regression that breaks ReSpec's text processing. The  
> result is typically that the document is partially processed (and  
> therefore overall looks more or less right) but not all processing has  
> actually taken place (and notably not the text processing, which happens  
> to be where the <abbr> code lives). Check the JS console for errors. If  
> that's the problem you're seeing, it's unlikely that we'll fix it since  
> it's a bug in Opera that should normally get fixed with the next version  
> (though patches are welcome, if not too hairy!). You can work around it  
> by downgrading to 11.52 (or using a competitor's product).
yep I use Opera, but in this case I tested in in chrome and ffx as well  
before reporting the issue and I have the same problem.
Maybe I'm just doing something stupid? You can check the document above  
and let me know.

Giuseppe Pascale
TV & Connected Devices
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 15:23:48 UTC