Re: WebIDL Dictionaries


On 7.9.2011, at 22.21, ext Robin Berjon wrote:

> On Sep 7, 2011, at 19:09 , Anssi Kostiainen wrote:
>> Would it possible for the dictionary to show up within the same WebIDL block with other definitions? Currently it is wrapped within its own WebIDL block (or am I doing it wrong?), see:
>> Some specs which do not use ReSpec.js but do use dictionaries seem to include dictionary within the same WebIDL block with other definitions which depend on it, e.g.:
>> I may try to get my hands dirty and hack with ReSpec.js myself, but I'm asking here first in case you have a preference because you're Mr. ReSpec.js :)
> I can see how this is indeed nice, but given the way in which WebIDL support is implemented in ReSpec v1 it's a change I'd rather not make myself (the code is a mindless pile of horror). Supporting it in v2, which uses a proper WebIDL parser and templates in order to render it (or at least is getting there) would be easier, but I wouldn't advise switching to that for a mature spec such as Battery.

I forgot v2 was in the works. Given that, I believe it does not make sense to add any new features to v1, or to do significant refactoring. I revised my monkey patch that fixes the issue in the spec I edit, so I'm happy with what we have in ReSpec.js v1 currently.


Received on Friday, 9 September 2011 09:26:01 UTC