Re: Publication of specifications as HTML5

On 23/08/2011 00:05, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:

> Btw, the HTML4 spec - does it close all its<p>  elements etc ?

actually it does, although it isn't well formed if viewed as xml as it 
doesn't use /> for empty elements.

>> What this means is that you can't have any inline scripts or styles
>> that include left angle brackets or ampersands.  That's a pretty big
>> restriction.
> In your previous reply, you said we """should not be talking about
> polyglot unless we *really* mean polyglot,
> rather than just "let's make a text/html-to-XML converter
> available".""" etc. Did you by that mean to suggest that things like
> <script>/*<![CDATA[*/</*]]>*/</script>  ought to become permitted in
> Polyglot Markup (and thus in HTMl5 proper too)?


is already allowed in html5 and xhtml5 (the restriction on CDATA nodes 
in html5 text/html does not apply here as that construct does not form a 
CDATA node in text/html it is simply  the characters //<![CDATA[ as a 
text child of script.

It is just forbidden in polyglot on the grounds of dom-compatibility 
(although there is a bug report suggesting that be relaxed here).

> One would then, I guess, have to define a polyglot script escape
> mechanism?

polyglot spec can't define new quoting mechanisms, it can just define 
quoting mechanisms which work in xml and html parsing.


Received on Monday, 22 August 2011 23:59:54 UTC